Weather in Malta usually ranges between 10C in January up to 40C in July, although the range might be sometimes bigger than that, depending on a year. But in general, in terms of finding a warm place in Europe during winter, Malta is one of the few places where you can sometimes expect to find t-shirt weather also during the winter months.
Here are also Malta weather averages for different months:
Malta weather in January
In January the average temperature in Malta is 13C. While it might sound quite okay, especially if you're from Northern Europe, sometimes the number might be not very reliable. There might be strong cold winds, and you can't forget the fact that indoors it might be rather cold if you don't have the AC on constantly, or if you don't have an AC at all. Keep in mind that in Malta there is no central heating and the walls and windows are not built to keep the warmth in either. You can expect around five hours of sunshine a day. Although, based on experience, you might have a number of days in a row where you don't see any.
Malta weather in February
In February the weather in Malta is pretty much the same as in January, but the average hours of sunshine is already seven. In February 2019 there was a huge storm there during which it was possible to collect fish from the roads. So this shows that while Malta can be pretty warm, it can also be quite winterish at times.
Malta weather in March
In March the average temperature is 14C, weather might be slowly starting to get warmer but you never know.
Malta weather in April
April has the average temperature of 16C.
Malta weather in May
May is already getting warmer, with average temperature at 20C and expected hours of sunshine a day has gone up to 10. Although based on experience, if we talk about beginning of May, sometimes in Northern Europe the temperature can actually go higher than in Malta.
Malta weather in June
The average temperature in June is 23 degrees, but it can be, or at least feel, much, much warmer. Having been there in June myself, you can have 25C nights with unbearable sleeping temperatures in your room if you don't have an AC.
Malta weather in July and August
July and August are the warmest months of the year with the average being at 27C and 12 hours of sunshine a day. If you're not used to hot weather, stay away! If you love hot weather, it might still sometimes be too much. Based on the number, 27C, it might not sound too hot at all, but believe me, it can actually be really, really hot most summers.
Malta weather in September
In September you can expect to see sun 9 hours a day and have average temperature of 25C.
Malta weather in October
Average temperature in October is 21C.
Malta weather in November
Average temperature in November is 17C with 7 hours of sunshine.
Malta weather in December
While the average temperature in December is just 14 with 5 hours of sunshine, that's really just the average. Usually though it's seldom colder. But just a few years back the normal daytime temperature was closer to 20 degrees, and the see temperatures showing the same number.